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About Dpeezy

Hey, it's Dpeezy2099! Welcome to my world where food, transformation, and resilience collide. I'm not your average influencer. I've journeyed from being a felon to becoming a beloved figure online, and it's all thanks to you, my supporters.


My food reviews, where I rate dishes as either "Bussin" or "Disgusting," have earned me a large following. I keep it real and entertaining, making me a trusted voice in the foodie community.


But there's more to me than just food reviews. I'm also known for my "Jailhouse Style" food videos, where I share unique dishes and recipes I learned during my time in jail. These videos showcase how constraints can be turned into opportunities.


This website is your gateway to my world. Here, you can explore my food reviews, delve into my jailhouse recipes, and even shop for official Dpeezy2099 merch. From men's and women's wear to kid's apparel, all our products are designed with my unique style.


Join me on this journey, be a part of the Dpeezy2099 family, and embrace the spirit of transformation and resilience. As always, keep it bussin' and stay tuned for more from me, Dpeezy2099!

Hey everyone, it's Dpeezy2099 here! In this video, I'm sharing my personal journey from Houston, Texas to Long Beach, California, and the life lessons I've learned along the way. I talk about my high school days, my promising football career, and how I got derailed by hanging out with the wrong crowd and getting involved with drugs like Xanax and weed. I share the story of my first arrest, my experiences with the legal system, and how I ended up moving to California to start a new life.


I also delve into my struggles with addiction, my experiences with car accidents, and my time spent in various jails across different states. I discuss the harsh reality of serving a two-year sentence and how it was an eye-opener for me. I share how I had to mentally prepare myself for this new life and

how I eventually came to terms with my situation.


Now, I'm in a halfway home, working my way up, and trying to do good. I'm here to tell you that crime doesn't pay and it always catches up with you in the long run. Stay tuned for more stories, skits, and recipes from my life. Thanks for tuning in and remember, I've got a lot in store for you!

Hey everyone, it's Dpeezy2099 here! In this video, I'm sharing my personal journey from Houston, Texas to Long Beach, California, and the life lessons I've learned along the way. I talk about my high school days, my promising football career, and how I got derailed by hanging out with the wrong crowd and getting involved with drugs like Xanax and weed. I share the story of my first arrest, my experiences with the legal system, and how I ended up moving to California to start a new life.


I also delve into my struggles with addiction, my experiences with car accidents, and my time spent in various jails across different states. I discuss the harsh reality of serving a two-year sentence and how it was an eye-opener for me. I share how I had to mentally prepare myself for this new life and how I eventually came to terms with my situation.


Now, I'm in a halfway home, working my way up, and trying to do good. I'm here to tell you that crime doesn't pay and it always catches up with you in the long run. Stay tuned for more stories, skits, and recipes from my life. Thanks for tuning in and remember, I've got a lot in store for you!

Hey, it's Dpeezy2099 again, back with another story from my past. This time, I'm sharing a chilling experience from when I was 17, a time when I almost lost my life.


One night, me and my friends were heading to a party in our neighborhood in Texas. An expedition drove by, almost hitting us, and we exchanged some words. Later, the same expedition pulled up when I was alone, and a group of about 10 guys came out. I should have run, but I decided to stand my ground. The next thing I remember, I was waking up, beaten and bloody, with my friend asking if I needed an ambulance.


They had used bricks, a taser, and baseball bats on me. I was badly beaten, but I refused to go to the hospital because we were tight on money. I was playing football at the time, and despite the risks, I decided to continue playing.

Looking back, I realize that sometimes, you have to put your pride aside and make the smarter decision. I could have died that night, and I wouldn't be here today to share my story or be a father to my son.


Stay tuned for more stories from my past, including the time I took 16 high blood pressure pills and almost died. I appreciate all of you for tuning in.

Hey everyone, it's Dpeezy2099 here! In this video, I'm sharing my personal journey from Houston, Texas to Long Beach, California, and the life lessons I've learned along the way. I talk about my high school days, my promising football career, and how I got derailed by hanging out with the wrong crowd and getting involved with drugs like Xanax and weed. I share the story of my first arrest, my experiences with the legal system, and how I ended up moving to California to start a new life.


I also delve into my struggles with addiction, my experiences with car accidents, and my time spent in various jails across different states. I discuss the harsh reality of serving a two-year sentence and how it was an eye-opener for me. I share how I had to mentally prepare myself for this new life and

how I eventually came to terms with my situation.


Now, I'm in a halfway home, working my way up, and trying to do good. I'm here to tell you that crime doesn't pay and it always catches up with you in the long run. Stay tuned for more stories, skits, and recipes from my life. Thanks for tuning in and remember, I've got a lot in store for you!

Hey, it's Dpeezy2099, back with another episode of Dpeezy Chronicles. Today, I'm sharing a story about the time I was sent to the hole in Texas state jail in Bartlett.

It started off as a normal day, but things quickly took a turn for the worse during breakfast. A disagreement with a correctional officer over my meal led to a physical altercation. Despite not instigating the fight, I was sent to the hole while the incident was under investigation.


In the hole, I was stuck with three other inmates, one of whom had a habit of getting naked and dancing on tables. The conditions were harsh, with limited shower access and a diet of bologna sandwiches for a month straight due to a lockdown. I even contracted a staph infection during my time there.


Despite the harsh conditions, I found ways to keep my spirits up. One of my cellmates had managed to smuggle in a dentist drill bit, which we used to pierce my eyebrow.

After a month, the investigation concluded that I was not at fault for the altercation, and I was released back to the general population. This experience taught me about the harsh realities of prison life and the importance of staying out of trouble.


Stay tuned for more Dpeezy Chronicles. I appreciate all the love and support. Remember, if nobody loves you, DPZ loves you.

Hey, it's Dpeezy2099, back with another update on my journey. I've moved out of the halfway house and into my own place, and I'm adjusting to the new environment. It's been a big transition, but I'm getting accustomed to it.

In this video, I share my gratitude for all the love and support from my YouTube family. You guys have been so awesome, and I appreciate every comment, even the negative ones.


They make me laugh and keep me grounded. I also share some updates on the Dpeezy Chronicles. 


I've got a lot more videos coming up, including more jailhouse food videos and story times. I'm also thinking about dabbling into ASMR and trying out different ideas for videos, like having people try random or weird foods on the street.


I also share a sneak peek into an upcoming Dpeezy Chronicles episode, where I'll talk about a time when one of my best friends overdosed right in front of me. It's a story that I feel I need to share with you guys.


Stay tuned for more Dpeezy Chronicles. Remember, if you feel like nobody loves you, Dpeezy loves you.

Interviews & Podcasts

Coronau Podcast

Motivational podcast ft @Dpeezy2099 this interview goes deep into his early biggening's how he started on social media and more check it out its bussin

WCG Podcast 

This was a dope conversation with Dpeezy And Bunky don't forget to subscribe to both channels.

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